Mars Conjunct Uranus , Algol
Mars Conjunct Uranus , Algol 15th July 2024
This can be a very explosive energy where we can receive information in relation to our unconscious beliefs or Patterns. Mars is our I AM presence, it's our impulsive force that lies within us, it’s the very root of our being and our life force energy. We can be very reactive and protective with this aspect of us because it's so deeply programmed within us that we can be very instinctive to protect this part of us.
It could be conditioning from our families that goes deep generationally or social conditioning that we are not aware of, perhaps your culture was influenced in the past by a certain religion and it still manifests itself in the culture albeit unconsciously. It also could be past life experiences that are influencing us unconsciously. We could have certain conditioning from a past life that is effecting us in this life.
So with this transit and conjunction we can have certain information come forward to us now as to what these old patterns or beliefs were and how they are affecting us still to this day. The Uranus aspect of this conjunction brings illumination to what this aspect is, it’s the aha moment or the epiphany that comes through in a moment and you have a realization.
This transit of Mars and Uranus happens every 2 years, but with the conjunction of Algol, it only happens every 84 years. Making it very rare indeed.
Algol is the fixed star of addictions and losing one's head. It’s the energy of being a consumer and not knowing why or not being able to stop. It could be seen as an addiction because it is something that keeps on expanding like we lose our head, it just gets out of hand!!!!!.
So this transit we can get insights into why we have this aspect in our life, why we have such addictions, or why we keep losing our sense of self and lose connection with our true self and look for the short-term delight which never lasts long enough.
This moon cycle, the new moon in Cancer on the 5th, and the full moon in Capricorn 21st. Is all about a new beginning internally with our emotions and how we feel internally and a culmination of a system that has been playing out for a long time. The way our 3D reality is playing out, there is the possibility of something coming to an end that has not been serving our highest good.
The Algol aspect with Uranus and Mars is highlighting this part of our lives so we can learn new ways of interacting in society and possibly reprograming our minds in a more benefical way for our own life and ways of thinking and interacting.
Pay attention to who comes into your life with a message, instead of reacting perhaps listen and see if there is a message for you.