You are not your thoughts

“You are your thoughts.” We have all heard of this saying at least once in our lifetime. Sadly, some of us have even believed it and let it majorly affect us and our mental health. If you are one of these people, stop right there, and read this post. The truth is that you are not your thoughts.

The following information will not only stop you from troubling yourself constantly but also help you solve the problems you’re having while managing your thoughts. And even if you think you don’t need any help with that, believe me, you do.

Sigmund Freud, a well-known Austrian neurologist famous for his clinical methods, developed the idea that human behavior was relevant to the unconscious mind.

The logic behind this concept was more profound than you think it is. He stated that being conscious means being aware of your surroundings and internal environment. It means that you know what is going on inside your head. On the other hand, the subconscious mind refers to the processes in your brain that you are unaware of. Freud suggested that we push back our unwanted thoughts and painful memories into the unconscious part of our mind to avoid dealing with them.

He concluded that the repressed thoughts and memories made their way out through physical actions and behaviors, confirming that you are your thoughts.

To be more elaborate, the theory implies that your physical actions are a representation of your mind and vice versa. It means that the thoughts that cross your mind predict your actions and paint an accurate picture of the kind of person you are.

It also means that the thoughts you have send off a relevant vibe and attract the same kind of energy. It implies that you are a signal, a beacon of the exact energy that goes through your mind.

While the theory is backed up by logical reasons, which make it very believable, it is not as true as you think it is. Psychologists, psychiatrists, and other neurological experts have denied their agreement with this concept. According to them, you are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are merely objects of the mind. Just like sounds, perceptions, feelings, and ideas. Through their perspective, thoughts are nothing but passing clouds, and there is nothing you should take personally about them. Let them pass so you don’t feel anxious. That is all you should do.

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